Come Home (Jo Ishida)

This song almost got vetoed or at least significantly reworked, but its already a day late and I need to upload.

I was going to add bass guitar to this one but ended up taking it out because it didn't really add anything to the song.  I was also going to add keyboard and harmony, but for the same reason they were axed.

Music inspired by recently found band Hurray for the Riff Raff.

Lyrics were inspired by Schubert's Gretchen Am Spinnrade which were written by Johann Von Goethe.  Found here:

Pro Tips

 - My script writing teacher in Melbourne told me "If it doesn't help propel the story forward then get it out."  This can also be applied to music.

 - According to the Allen Ginsberg Movie "Howl", Allen says the goal is to speak to your 'muse' the same way as you speak to your close friends in order to achieve true frankness.
