Everyday You're Gone (Jo Ishida)

The struggle was real.  Its 9AM and you spend so much time wrestling with the same phrases that you just want to get it over with.

Here is a picture capturing what I think its like to write a song

Then you think you got it

But eventually you take a break or even whilst practicing / rehearsing you wind up with this

Pro Tip
1.  Your ears and mind become so fatigued that you don't even know who you are anymore.  If you currently like the way it sounds, just get a good capture and consider it finished.

It feels very difficult trying to figure out where notes should when you have 12 to choose from.  You're actually only going to be working with 7 if you're using 1 key.  7 is still intimidating though and plus there are already so many tunes out there, so how can you hope to uncover an original catchy one while avoiding both cliches and unconsciously sampling a melody that you already like?  How do you stay motivated?

This is a protein, which is made up of many long chains of amino acids, which are made of even smaller elements.  Proteins do a lot of things, but their shape are what determine their behaviors.  You want to figure out how to engineer proteins because hormones, enzymes, and antibodies are all proteins - if you make a really useful one you could change the world.  The problem is they're folded and twisted up in an infinite number of crazy ways, so today organic chemists use computers to automate the folding and twisting of proteins to try and find a really good one.  BUT even with the help of computers, because there are so many possibilities, it still could literally could take forever.

Pro Tip
1.  Don't complain because with practice you have the chance to create something awesome in your own lifetime.  Scientists today hope they'll be the ones to discover something awesome, but theres a good chance it'll be figured out by other scientists down the road after they're already dead!