This one took a long time to nail down. For me repeats of
passages are more stressful than playing new material - maybe because if
you did it once its just extra annoying when you screw up the second or
third time because then you have to start all over again to get a good
take. So many barre chords. Thanks to the Bach I did 2 uploads ago, my
tone has really improved, and I think I really have a good handle now
on how to reduce right hand "nailiness" on the guitar. I'm not happy
with the dynamics, but I guess at this point I'm still just trying to
develop a command of the left and right hands to go where I want them to
on time and accurately - once I'm super certain my fingertips are going
to get there and on time I think I'll focus more on dynamic variety.
I had to record using the sheet music in front of me. I'm not really
focusing 100% on classical guitar and there is just too much repertoire
to try and memorize everything in a short amount of time so I read.
Plus I get confused when I have to take multiple takes of recordings, so
if I forget where I am toward the end its really annoying to have to
start all over again.
Each time I record a classical piece I'm dying to get over with, and its
always a major struggle to get it recorded and finished so that must
mean I'm challenging myself?
Recorded on a solo Rode NT5
Take aways
- relying on the sheet music = OK
- Used the Compressor a fair amount in the software to bring up the
total volume - although this really makes it honk out that my
performance was really loud the whole way thru.