more or less

Songs are so personal (at least the good ones are) that its stupid to think they're about us. They're about more than we can ever understand because we weren't there. We aren't there in the writer's head experiencing the ingredients that came before the song. We feel lucky and amazed to hear the results, but theres no way words or analysis could ever convey the meaning? no. The sentiment? partially yes but naah. The dream that is attempted to be captured but inevitably reduced to a song.

A great song is a photograph that can not only be shared and displayed but can be performed and even re-formatted, re-designed, re-released. Perhaps the movies, shows, and books I read are too filtered or too prepared. Of course they are because everyone wants to release the best version of their work. But there must be more examples that are more raw, less packaged, more fundamental, less massaged, more childlike, less.. less everything.