Runaway (Jo Ishida)

I spend so much time on the computer editing that I don't even know what to write anymore.  You listen to the same changes over and over that you don't even know if its good or if you even like it anymore!  Oh well 1 day late now I can work on something else!


 - All I wanted was a short organ solo with a "keygrab" - a word I made up where you start an organ line by sliding your hand up the keys and hopefully land on a note that is in the supporting harmony.  I was able to capture 2 on the recorder yessss.

 - A bridge section with syncopation that fits back into the regular tempo

 - some kind of three part harmony at the end.  Ultimately, I didn't like it so I took it out.

Heres a random photo so maybe it'll be more noticeable in my facebook feed.
