Lauro: Venezuelan Walz #1 "Tatiana" (Holzman)

For those of you who've heard me plink this one out casually for years, well I finally hammered out a lot of the impossible parts of this piece.  I mean its still impossibly hard, but wow it took me a long time.  This one just has to be fast because its just a folk song that was transcribed for guitar, so I mean you can learn the notes and play it slow but its just not the same.  Its loaded with ridiculous barre chords and slurs and varying tempos per the goddamn Adam Holzman recording I've listened to for 10 years...more than that wow 15 years. 

Also it was a major hurdle just keeping the hands independent yet interdependent!  What a guitar paradox??  Your hands influence each other, so if your right hand wants to play fast, your left hand will tend to squeeze harder which means slower movement and less accuracy - which then makes your right hand want to go faster to compensate which then makes your LH squeeze harder aaaaand it just gets worse and worse.  So you have to keep your RH light and loose while keeping your LH firm (but not tense) but also ready to completely empty when it comes to the fast parts. 

I'm still not happy with some of the buzzed notes, but of 5 sections consisting of 2 repeats there were only 3 noticeable ones that I've smoothed out from a 90% chance of buzz to maybe 30 or 40%.... anyway.  I played the other 3 walz in college but this mother fucker was always the most ridiculous and impossible one and ironically its the most fun / light / gay sounding (as in gaiety) of the bunch.  So even though its supposed to be a fun dance - its actually a brutal dictator that will turn your hands against each other!!
