Time bomb

So many famous successful musicians suffered from depression and insecurity. The ones I know who aren't successful maybe also suffer as well but just aren't clever enough to acknowledge their professional shortcomings, so they haven't been productive yet.

I never enjoy insecure types and I really can't stand over inflated or massaged egos. So what happens if you're in the middle? Just normal. Sponging up all the information you can process within the scope of comfort and safety. I don't want to know danger or pain. I don't want trauma. So what do I do? I'm not hungry enough for praise and acceptance to push myself over the top. I'll always lose competitively like to a Chinese worker in a factory or a south American soccer player. I'm not willing to die for it or self-medicate to sustain it. There is an entire universe to distract me. Why put all my eggs in one basket? And each one is a time bomb.