
Singing is going well and I'm just naturally discovering greater depths to the songs I know and naturally forming judgments about the quality of certain songs and voices over others. Maybe down the road I'll need to put more effort into discover - more investment into uncovering a new target goal. Right now I'm putting much more effort into the classical guitar. My consistency is impoved, my motivation, my commitment - but also the sensitivity of my critical ear has become heightened (again?). Yes of course I've been here before and this is where (in the past) I decide to stop or that its not worth it or that it requires much much too much time and focus to yield such a small return. But this time I think I've decided that there is a tremendous return - I just don't know how to achieve it, or its just so far out of reach that it seems impossible to even get anywhere close.

I've bought two new CDs and am again playing in the classical stance, which I traditionally hate, but now embrace that it does create the best tone for your fingers attacking the strings. Now again though I have the familiar feeling of procrastinating... why do I do this? Because I might actually get somewhere that requires commitment after making a discovery?