Getaway (The Milk Carton Kids)

The reason its been so long is because I failed to finish another song that just wasn't good enough for sharing.  The abortion was another multi-instrument mess with a hard guitar solo, drum pattern, synth stuff, and a fast tempo.  In the end, each part was so rushed and thrown together, that it really wasn't cohesive.  I also didn't want to post another "lets see if we can even do this" song because since the cassette, I want to work on getting things to a more pro sounding level.

This song is slower, predictable, and only guitar and voice - but it still gave me problems.  I wanted to learn all the guitar fills of expert guitarist Ken Pattengale (the other singer's name is Joe - so they're just like me and my brother), and rehearsed it modularly.  What I mean by that is instead of learning each part all the way thru and then recording each individually - this time I learned each part verse by verse.  So I learned the tenor part of verse 1 with the accompanying guitar, then the alto part of verse 1 w/ its accompanying guitar, then did the same for verse 2 and 3 and in the end learned the intro because its the same as the outro.  Then once I could play the whole song thru both parts, recording one and then the other was much easier.  This method was also much more enjoyable.

The difficulty is blend.  I'd over sing the tenor part because I guess its easier / lower and the guitar part is easier, and then undersing the Alto putting me on the verge of falsetto nearly all the way thru - so you get voices that don't convey 2 sides of the same coin like a duet should be. 

In the end, I re-recorded it by hanging back on the tenor part, and staying strong on the alto while going super light on the high notes - I had to recall a lesson from choir where you gotta lighten up on high notes because they'll stand out naturally because they're high.  Anyway - its way way tougher than I thought.  On headphones I think it sounds all right, but on small computer speakers it sounds too falsetto again...oh well.


New York (The Milk Carton Kids)

This one literally came down to the wire.  The take isn't perfect - its not even very good, but when fatigue sets in you just gotta use what you have.  Its not even physical fatigue (although my wrists do hurt), its more then mental fatigue because when I try to record eventually I start making really strange mistakes, and they become more and more frequent.  And small stupid mistakes of course increases frustration.  Oh well, I have to submit on the 7th day and if theres still work to be done that means its challenging yes?

The Milk Carton Kids may be my favorite band.  I've had favorite bands before, they really are an honest favorite because they're so freaking good.  By good I mean skilled - and this song was a monster to push up the hill. 

Pro Tip
- Practice


Maybe Its Time (The Milk Carton Kids)

Singing is really hard - way harder than guitar for me, and theres a lot of mystery associated with it, but I definitely know for sure that anyone can sing.  Saying someone can't sing or learn to sing is like saying some people just can't learn to speak Spanish no matter how hard they try - or maybe its more like some just can't speak Spanish loudly.  Which is crazy. 

For me my teachers in college always threw around words like "tension" and "support" and "the breath" and I guess yeah once you have your own handle on the sensations happening in your own guts and throat that you can adopt those words, but its just so personal that you really just gotta fumble around and screw it up for a long time until you figure out a good feeling happening inside.  Teaching someone to sing with words is like me trying to teach someone to play the guitar over the phone: "yeah sounds pretty good, so I assume you're doing something right.."  Obviously I would just show them with my hands but unfortunately this is kinda impossible cause everything is annoyingly hidden underneath your skin and muscles. 

One lesson I can say is that tone... and by that I mean what your voice sounds like is a combination of 4 factors (at least) according to my notes.  What consonant the word starts with, the vowel, how high the note is, and how loud your trying to sing it.  So you're trying to juggle these things all at the same time and once that word is done you need to move on to the next one in real time rapid fire!  And sometimes a single word has several notes happening all over it!  Its also like a rubik's cube because everything could be feeling good but then you change one of those factors and the rest might freeze up.  Then theres the mother of all factors that obliterates the others - fear of someone actually hearing you.  No matter how awesome you think you sound or how great it feels alone, if you freak out because someone is listening to you then your notes will just fall apart like Jenga.  Thats why you should move to Japan and practice - because here no one cares if you sound bad, and if you can sing in English you're freaking awesome!

My new amp I bought online for 60 bucks and is set to UK 70's w/ the reverb on. 
